“I have to honor my mind and body if I want to sustain this journey - life”

- Rupi Kaur, HOME BODY


    New to Yoga? Join our Beginners 6 week course This course, guided by the wonderful Moira, is for complete beginners and for all bodies. If you would like to begin a yoga practice but not sure where to start, this is for you. Each week, we will explore yogas foundations, building and growing your confidence and knowledge in your own time and at your own pace. You will learn the tools you need to build a safe practice and the confidence to join other group classes and your own self practice. We can't wait to welcome you!

  • YOGA 2

    This class is aimed at those who have some experience of yoga and are ready to explore further. This will be a slower style with longer held poses and and will introduce aspects of yoga philosophy and pranayama.


    This is a flow style class for those who are interested in a more dynamic practice. It will be appropriate for all levels and will include movement and breathwork.


    This class is aimed at those with some vinyasa experience and will also include more options of arm balances and inversions. Expect a dynamic, heat building practice which may also focus on a peak pose


    Expect to get sweaty and energised in this strong practice. You will also have the opportunity to try arm balances and inversions. We will explore movement andbuild strength through the lens of yoga philosophy.


    Mixed movement a term still relatively new works all areas of the body through a 60 minute practise.
    Combining the foundations of yoga, alignment, breath and mobility, this practise opens the body and mind to strong dynamic movements that are expansive beyond your mat and explores your capabilities through a new perspective to your movement practise in a safe and fun way.


    End of the week flowy vinyasa fun followed by an extended super chilled rest.


    A great chance to explore all things menopausal and meet other women who are also on this rollercoaster ride! We will focus on different aspects each week and always end the practice with deep relaxation.


    This class is aimed at anyone dealing with a cancer diagnosis, whether actively going through treatment or post cancer. You can’t underestimate the toll cancer treatment can have on your overall physical and mental health. In this weekly class we will explore different ways physically to help soothe side effects and also ways we might find a wee bit of calmness in the storm.
    Yoga can be such a help to navigate you through a cancer diagnosis.


    This is a truly inclusive class so is suitable for anyone with health or mobility issues, supporting recovery and maintaining healthy body and mind. There will be lots of props and gentle guidance in a safe, welcoming environment.


    The chair is your best friend in this multi-level class. Expect fun and interesting ways of how to use a chair in your yoga practice.


    One of the most transformational times in your life is when you are carrying and growing a baby! This weekly pregnancy yoga class is a time to celebrate all the changes pregnancy can bring.
    We will work through a series of postures to make space in the body and use breathwork techniques to steady the mind. These classes are relaxed, informal and open to all.
    A lovely opportunity to connect with your changing body while learning how to move freely and safely. Invest in this magical 75 minutes for YOU and your baby.

    Suitable from 12 weeks onwards
    No prior yoga experience necessary


    This class is for teens looking to create some mental and physical space. We will take time to let go of any stress and tension through guided relaxation as well as breath and movement. This is a safe space where teens can totally let go of competitiveness and comparison


    During Yin classes postures are passively held for 3 minutes or more to lubricate and open up deeper layers of connective tissue in the body. The use of props is encouraged so the postures can be held as comfortably as possible to allow the muscles to relax. It is a practice that can help refine your awareness and at times can be deeply relaxing and healing for your nervous system.

    Not suitable if you are in your first trimester of pregnancy, have hypermobility or spinal disc or joint issues.

    Open to all levels.


    Restorative Yoga is a relaxation practice to support deep rest.

    Props are used to support the body in a position of ease and comfort, to facilitate a positive relaxation response. The intention is to support the gradual shift from sympathetic to parasympathetic dominance within our nervous system. This is an essential process for stress reduction, promoting healing, balance,and for general health and wellbeing.

    Open to all levels.


    Yoga nidra is a guided meditation to access a state of conscious deep sleep. It is practised in a reclined posture with props and blankets to support the body in rest. Yoga Nidra is a simple yet profound technique that helps to unwind the nervous system and induce complete physical and mental relaxation with inner awareness.


    Weekly Run/Yoga classes with Jade Carlyle and the Lila Yoga team!

    An energising 5k run with supportive guidance followed by a recovery yoga stretch out.